The Merlin Award to magic is what the Oscar is to the movies, what the Emmy is for television, and what the Tony is for theater.

Some of the winners of the Merlin Award are:


Harry Blackstone

Doug Henning

Channing Pollack

Siegfried & Roy

Penn & Teller

David Copperfield
David Berglas
Uri Geller

Milt Larsen

Criss Angel
Cyril Takayama

Shin Lim


Lu Chen

Luis de Matos
Juan Tamariz
Max Maven
Jeff McBride

Eugene Burger

The Merlin Award is presented to those magicians who have achieved the highest level in their craft, both on the national and international stage.


The criteria that the voting members consider are talent, showmanship, originality, skills, and above all the rare ability to entertain under any conditions.


The Merlin Award statue was commissioned to art students in New York. The winning design was carved and created in 1964 by young New York University art student Carol Michaud.


Merlin Award Recipients


The Merlin Award to magic is what the Oscar is for movies.

Merlin Award Recipients

David Copperfield

Harry Blackstone Jr.



Johnny Thompson

Joe Labero

Juliana Chen
Sergey Tsymbalist

Don Wayne

Kevin James

Joseph Gabriel

Brett Daniels

Harry Lorayne

Darren Romeo

James Dimmare

Gary Darwin

Steve Wyrick


Jeff McBride

Peter Reveen

Bernie Yuman

Deddy Corbuzier

Gregory Gleason

Shin Lim

Cyril Takayama

Chip Lowell

Steve Dacri

Mike Michaels

The Hamners

The Majestix

Nathan Burton

Gerry McCambridge

Keith Barry

Dixie Dooley

Nicholas Liotatis

Robin Channing

Antonio Casanova

Lee Alex

Bob Chua

Tim White





Raymond Iong

Richard Yuh



Bone Ho

Jeff Lee

Jorinn Chee

Vincent Tan

Louis Yan

Sir Lawrence Khong

Lady Priscilla Khong

Neophytos Charalambides

Stephane Vanel

Wilson Lai

Robert Sode

Dr. Victor

Douglas Lefrovich

Niels Duinker

Mahdi Moammer "Moudini"


Sergey Savka

Dr. Chandran

Mrs. Chandran

Alvin Terrence

Uriy Monchak

Sasa Gerber

Veronique Ross

Michael Late
Claudia Late


Magic Hunt

Victor Choi Kit Fai


Michele D'Auria

Tiziano Cellai

Dato Steven Harold Day

Christian Ford

Steve Wheeler

Victor Voitko

Dmitry Mosin

George Zakris

Madiyar Almas

Yuryi Sergienko

Anatoly Katanski

Vasily Rudenko

Guojing Hou

Huijing Hou

Jeni Xiujing Hou

Tristan Crist
Michael Bairefoot

Khaled Almuhareb

David Thomas

Dylan Murray

Alexander Krist

Jay Owenhouse

Christian Diamond Doleshall

Paul Fidler

Raj Kumar

Liu Kaibin & Wang Ping

Gao Yutian

Wang Pengyun

Origin Magic


Carl Michael

George Carden

Melanie Kramer




Siegfried & Roy

Doug Henning

Andre Kole

Milt Larsen



Franz Harary

Peter Marvey

Luis de Matos

Marshall Brodien

Stan Allen

Max Maven


Rudy Coby

Chris Capehart

William MacIlhany

Joe Stevens

David Mendoza

Simon Lovell

Bill Malone


Charles Reynolds

Stephen Zadrick

Gary Ouellet

Gay Blackstone

Mac King

Lu Chen

Melinda Saxe

Asi Wind

Rene Lavand

Mahka Tendo

The Fercos Brothers

Timothy Trust

Joshua Jay

Xavier Giro


Sos & Victora

Joaquin Ayala

Florian Zimmer

Will Tsai

Boris Wild

Jean Pierre Kraft

Paul Osborne

Jason Byrne

Sonny Fontana

Kirby VanBurch

Michael Chaut

Lyn Dillies

Ernesto Planas

Fairy Star

Antonio Restivo

Cris Castro

Brad Ross

Danny T

Jean Paul Olhaberry

Aref Ghafouri

Gino, The Magic Pharoah

Peter Valance


Eddy Au

Ilkay Ozdemir

Khan Showkat

Alexander One

Gelvinn Chee

Melkinn Chee

Raykinn Chee

Samala Venue



Jen Kramer

John Caluwaert

Wail Al Hunaidi

Josh & Lea Knotts

Joseph Sheik

Peter Eggink

Tom Thomson

Palmas Nguyen

Nguyen Ngoc Minh Quang

Abdullateef Hamad Alsaleh


Raymond Iong Tat Chi

Walter Di Francesco

Martin Brock

Rudy Christl


Alexandra Carolina Ledezma Bastidas

Kyle Marlett

Alexx Alexxander

Marco Miele

Belinsky Alexey Alekseevich
Chi-Ling Liu

Yan Zhuang

Taylor Reed

Felipe Biondi
Freckled Zelda

Eva Julia Christiie
Houdini The Husky

Steve Spade

Jordon Winton

Natalie & Eli

Wei Yinghui

Shen Shuang

Sun Zheng

Li Fan

Fantasy Broadway On The Roof

David Starr

Erik Tait

Magic Suzy

Tim Wise

Joseph Andrew


Penn & Teller

Criss Angel

Channing Pollock

Paul Daniels

Jeff McBride

Kirby VanBurch


Jay Marshall

Kenneth Feld

Juan Mayoral

Ha Sung Chung

Tony Clark

Jonathan David Bass

Joe Devlin

Tom Mullica

Tony Spina

Michael V. Lewis

Brett Leonard

Jimmy Kikuchi

Hans Klok

Dirk Losander

David & Dania


Eric Buss

Terry Evanswood

Jim Barber

Jan Rouven

Christian Farla

Ken Klosterman

John Taylor

Rob Lake

Ariann Black

Fielding West

Pat Fallon

Drake Deven

Stoil & Ekaterina

Selim Basarir

Sos Petrosyan Jr.

Hanson Chien

J.C. Sum

Magic Babe Ning

Kevin & Cindy Spencer

Allen Ravine


David Koenig

Tony Laffan

Tse Tow Joon Yeen

Liong Ket Foei

Leow Fee Loong

Ali Raj

Afzaal Afridi

David Gonzalez Flores

Hernan Gonzalez Flores

Doug Edwards

David Saxe


Paul Draper

Ji Hye Jun




Vlad Kryvonogov


Moustapha Berjaoui

J.C. Sum

Magic Babe Ning

Tommy Wind

Christian Diamond

Jack Monshouwer

Rheza Elfuego

Matt Hollywood

Subhash Bhaskar Dagadkhair

Pambudi Sunarsihanto

Nguyen Phuong

Vikneswaran Allagu

Huy Nguyen

Brian Role & Lola Palmer

David Gatti

Luca Volpe

Stefano Cavanna

Renato Cotini

Ben Blaque

Dato Seri Dr. Liew Lee

Ali Baba - Ngo Duc Duy

Vladimir Rundnev

Louis von Eckstein

Kai Udo Hildenbrand

David Ferrari

Garry Carson

Janine Carson

Daniel Craven

Eric Eaton

Brett Myers

Tijo Varghese


James and Tely Nagle

Randilyn Locke

Adrian Baroni

Roberto Zenteno Solis "Spider"

Li Chenxin "Maximum Wonder"

Zhou Letian

Liu Zelong

Lanyu Magic

Tianjin Chinese Magic Cultural & Art Center

Ken Hartley

Priscilla Pfeiffer

Allan Ackerman

Erica Vanlee


Up until 2010, the Merlin Award has been a recognition award. In 2010, we presented the Merlin Award both as a recognition award and as a competition award. And we also presented the decade Merlin Awards. 2010 has been the most challenging year for IMS, as well as the most exciting.


To check out photos of the Merlin Award, go to the Yearbooks.


For more information on the Merlin Award, click here.

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